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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(typeof(UP) == "undefined"){ var UP = {}; } if(typeof(UP.AJAST) == "undefined"){ UP.AJAST = {}; } // Default time out UP.AJAST.timeout = 2000; // Initial request id UP.AJAST.rid = 0; // Callback function array's UP.AJAST.callbacks = []; UP.AJAST.Request = function(url, cbparameter, callback, timeout){ UP.AJAST.rid++; var timeo = timeout || UP.AJAST.timeout; var callbackid = 'callback' + UP.AJAST.rid; // Append callback parameter at the end if(url.indexOf("?") != -1){ url = url + "&"; }else{ url = url + "?"; } url += encodeURIComponent(cbparameter) + "=" + encodeURIComponent("UP.AJAST.callbacks."+callbackid); // Create script tag var stag = UP.AJAST.InjectTag(url); var headtag = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; // Create time out function. var timeoutfunc = function(){ if(UP.AJAST.callbacks[callbackid] !== "undefined"){ UP.AJAST.callbacks[callbackid] = function(){ delete UP.AJAST.callbacks[callbackid]; }; // Firecall back callback(false); headtag.removeChild(stag); } }; // Set callback var timer = setTimeout(timeoutfunc, timeo); UP.AJAST.callbacks[callbackid] = function(data){ // sStop timer clearTimeout(timer); if(typeof(data) === "undefined"){ // Firecall back alert('false case=' + data); callback(false); }else{ // Firecall back callback(true, data); } delete UP.AJAST.callbacks[callbackid]; headtag.removeChild(stag); }; // Inject the script tag in DOM headtag.appendChild(stag) }; UP.AJAST.InjectTag = function(url){ var t = document.createElement("script"); t.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); t.setAttribute("id", "UP_AJAST_Request" + UP.AJAST.rid); t.setAttribute("src", url); return t; }; UP.AJAST.Broker = function(url, cbparameter, timeout, params){ this.url = url; 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pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; //-------------------------------------------- // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (truee!=1) document.getElementById('preview').innerHTML += '
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'; } else { var emb; var power; streamingserver +=";stream.mp3"; emb = ""; emb += ""; emb += ""; emb += ""; emb +=" "; emb += "0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; //-------------------------------------------- // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; // Search the string and counts the number of e's while (pos != -1) { pos = graf.indexOf("", i + 1); num += 1; i = pos; } if (num>0) truee=1; pos=0; num=-1; i=-1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// power=''; if (truee!=1) power = '
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'; document.getElementById('preview').innerHTML = (emb + power); } } /* this code find the current directory where the website file are located */ var myloc = window.location.href; var locarray = myloc.split("/"); delete locarray[(locarray.length-1)]; var workingDirectory = locarray.join("/"); // directory/ // make AJAST request UP.AJAST.Request( '', 'callback', completed);